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Donald Trump Accidentally Reveals He And Melania Are More Distant Than Ever

No one knows what’s happening with Donald Trump and Melania’s marriage, but it’s not looking good based on his most recent PR blunder. After announcing his third presidential bid, Trump has been making numerous campaign stops. However, throughout the campaign, Melania has been noticeably absent from most of his political events. While she did appear at the RNC, she disappeared once more shortly after. 

Donald seems to be unbothered by his wife’s disinterest, wooing voters as usual despite her unwillingness to stand by his side. Although she has no interest in supporting him, he promoted her recent memoir in NYC at a campaign rally—right before he made a shocking confession.

Although the crowd cheered when he brought up Melania, he wasn’t the best spokesperson to plug the former first lady’s memoir. First, he admitted that he hadn’t read the book yet. Secondly, after he said he hoped she would say “good things” about him, he added, “Go out and buy it, it’s great. And if she says bad things about me, I’ll call you all up and I’ll say, ‘Don’t buy it. Get rid of it.’”

As usual, Donald is obsessed with himself and his self-image, including anything in the memoir that might mention him—not convinced? What he said after this comment at the rally is proof.

How does Melania manage Donald Trump’s ego?

The communication between Donald and Melania is so minimal these days that the ex-POTUS didn’t have the opportunity to provide input or feedback when his wife was writing her memoir. In fact, they spoke so little that he didn’t even request an advance copy of the book to see what any mention of him might be. However, Donald Trump does admit that he’s discussed his favorite topic with Melania: crowd sizes. 

In his classic humble and out-of-context fashion, he said, “I’d call up my wife, and I’d say, baby, who could draw crowds—nobody could draw crowds like me, nobody. Not even close. I’m the greatest of all time, maybe greater even than Elvis because Elvis had a guitar… I don’t have the privilege of a guitar.”

Although Donald claims that Melania agrees with his impressive ability to gather large groups of people, she is critical of him when providing feedback. This makes his story slightly more credible. In his own words, he said, “I’d say, ‘How great was the speech?’ Not how good, how great was it, and she’d say, ‘It was good but your hair looked terrible tonight.’”

We have a feeling that Melania’s feedback was more impactful than discussing Trump’s bad hair day. It’s ironic that Donald spends much of his time bragging about his crowd sizes (even during the debate, he couldn’t stop talking about it) but can’t manage to get his own wife to appear at his rallies. 

Although this might be an entertaining story for his supporters, it must be awkward how often Donald has to make excuses for Melania being absent and failing to support him. 
